Monday, July 22, 2013

Some reflecting on Rogers Diffusion Innovation theory

You were correct Wayne, a lot of reading this week :)
I have just started to get my head around 'Diffusions of innovations' and 'The rate of adoption'. I am going to relate it to EDEM630.
The diffusion of the innovation in relation to using a blog for EDEM630, has been through Wayne and Nicki online. They have used blog posts, emails, video tutorials, and forum posts, and offered more channels for diffusion. I am guessing that our classmates are the social system. 
Going through the 5 stages in the Decision Innovation process is meaningful to me.
Image retrieved from on 23/07/2013

In relation to my learning through EDEM630, without Wayne's and my peer support and guidance, I would not have found my way to my research topic quite so quickly. Here is how it relates to my changes in technology so far
Knowledge: I was introduced into using a blog for personal use, but without Wayne exposing me to this style of learning, I am unsure if I would have been exposed to it. 
Persuasion: I am persuaded by comments from my peers and Wayne to continue on my blogging journey, and also the drive to pass EDEM630.
Decision: The advantages of changing to use this new technology far outway the disadvantages, and the fact that I am actually enjoying it helps.
Implementation: I am unsure if I would be implementing the change to using this new technology quite do effectively if I didn't have the course requirements.
Confirmation: I managed to set up my page, I am using it, I can label EDEM630, and I am enjoying it...Confirmed!

After going through this process of seeing how it applies to me I feel as though this process is missong some key things for me in this situation.

Motivation: I needed a reason to want or need the new technology. In this case it is for my course.
Support: I have found that people need to know they have support if they need it. In this case I rang Chris Murphy (my former Principal) who is also enrolled in EDEM630 to help me set my blog up as I was confused at the time.
Time: This applies to the rate of adoption, it is the time it takes someone to use the technology. I feel as though it does depend on the reason for using the technology. 

In this case the rate of adoption for me as a blogger has been early adoption. I don't think I am always an early adopter, but but in this case it was mandatory to passing my course and not falling behind. 

In relation to Rogers 5 factors of compatibility is the most meaningful to me. For me complexity and Simplicity definitely refers to the changes in teaching using technology. I have come across a lot of Teachers who find using new technologies to hard and have not adopted the new technology as a result. That also takes me back to people needing support when going through the decision innovation process. 

I also feel that marketing comes into the decision innovation process. An example of this would be the use of iPads in education. The use of iPads in Mid Canterbury schools relates to Robinsons (2009) insights into the process of social change because the peer to peer conversations and networks has allowed for unplanned marketing and therefore more schools are adopting the change to iPads. iPads have therefore had a more rapid rate of adoption as they have had relative advantage. 
(Robinson, L. (2009) A summary of Diffusion of Innovations. Taken from EDEM630 course notes)

Reading through Robinsons reading and going back to my research topic. 
With access to specific online tutorials, is the way we teach and learn starting to change in educational institutions?"
I think this is an innovation that is starting to spread. I was talking to a highschool IT Teacher who spends quite a bit of time out of the classroom. He runs his class with a blog and creates his own video tutorials for the students to use. 
I think youtube has given online tutorials relative advantage because it has created some kind of background knowledge and familiarity for Teachers. 
Using specific online tutorials is compatible with existing values and practices because we can use tutorials that link to our NZ curriculum and learning objectives.
They are simple and easy to use, a click of a button and some kind of screen will do the trick. 
Teachers can trial them in whatever context they want to to become familiar with the use of them.
the sane kind of assessments can be used to create observable results. 
In conclusion I feel as though I have my head around Rogers Diffusion Innovation theory, I have found it helpful to think about it in relation to my research, and it certainly makes sense to me in relation to adopting new technologies.

(Robinson, L. (2009) A summary of Diffusion of Innovations. Taken from EDEM630 course notes)

1 comment:

  1. Arnika,

    Great reflection -- I like how you are connecting your own learning experience with the theory.

    What fascinates me about the open web is the outside of school a large number of learners are accessing online resources (eg Youtube) in spite of what's happening in the classroom. Notwithstanding any reticence there may (or may not) be to using technology in the classroom -- our students are using the technology. By the same token, the "digital native" argument is also problematic. Looking at my own teenage children there are many social media technologies which they don't use (or need to?).
